Friday, October 25, 2013

Top Ten Video Game Bad Guys

Hey guys it the icewizard and today I will be talking about my top ten favorite video game bad guys. Same rules as all my list this is my opion and normally one per franchise so lets begin.

Number ten- Number ten is glados from portal. She was always a funny character to me. next

Number eight- Lets go with Bowser come on you knew that bowser would be on hear he is the most known video game bad guy. next

Number seven- Lets go with Dr. egg man. This person made a giant robot army, a whole armada and metal sonic, if you didn't know thats a lot. next

Number six- Now for the last kinda saw this coming but it is Dr Willy. This one man made zero. next

Number five- now lets go with Ram from Gears of war. This boss fight made you have to forces you explosive or go grab the turret behind him which is not easy. next

Number four- Now lets go whith Black shadow from f-zero. Now I like raceing game and this is wear its at. Being the main bad guy in the game I put him this far. next

Number three- lets go with King dede. Now I am a HUGE kirby fan and the mane bad guy is a pengwuin with a hammer. NEXT

Number two- Hadese, yes I am putting Hadese this Far becasue of how good of a villen he is. He is funny, Strong, and giant. next

Number one- Now what can beet hades. That would be Kaos not the one from skylander put the one from Spectrobes, This was a former master that went evil and planned to take over the world. IN his final boss fight he had a dragon you had to kill to, teliport, and shoot lasers. This is has been the icewizard and see you all next time.

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