Friday, October 11, 2013

power up: Mario

Mario Power Up's
Het guy I am back and we are off of brawl weak and now we can talk about something else. so I dicided to talk about mario power up's. The one rule on this list is it has to be in he mario games and not fan made games lets begin.
Number ten- lets go with fire. now fire can kill almost any enemy in the game, and it looked cool. next
Number nine- lets go with ice. now I am not just putting this one on because I am the Icewiard no I am putting this one on because its one of the only power up that can kill drybones's. next
Number eight- lets go with giant mario. This power up would make you giant and able to kill everything on the screen. nex
Number seven- Now what should I put, oh I know That would be shell. This power would give you the power to go into a kopashell witch are able to kill anything in one hit. next
Number six- lets go with rock mario from super mario galixy to. this game you the power to turn into a rock and roll. yagh, next
Number five- lets go with cloud mario from the same game as last one. This gave you the power to form clouds. next
Number four- Lets go with pengwuin mario and this is why he is on because he can shoot ice and swim faster. next
Number three- lets go with mushroom. now I know this gives you no power but it is the only reason that you can get other powers. next
Number two- lets go with the one up. This one givs you a hole life and could sve you the level. next
Number one- lets go with The tiny mario. now dont hate me bt this is a good power up. It makes you able to run on water, jump hier, makes you harder to hit, and able to go in to smaller tubes. This has been the icewizard and see you all next time

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