Monday, October 21, 2013


Hey guys its the icewizard and today I will be talking about video weapons pacifically the gun. Now this post will have the rules same as last post so lets begin, lets begin.

Number ten- lets go with the gun blade in final fantasy 8. Just look at it. next

Number nine- lets go with the big f##king gun 9000. Just the name is good enough to get it on this list. next

Number eight- The spartan laser from halo. This gun fired a laser. next

Number seven- lets go with the ray gun TWO!!!! This gun was a one hit kill that fires three bulits at once. next

Number six- Now normally I do one per franchise but this time there are two now its the wonder waffle.This gun would be the best gun in black opps

Number five- Now I don't see why Borderlands isn't talked about that much because it is such a fun game. now the gun I am putting on is the infinity pistol. This gun would never run out of amo. next

Number four-The lancer from Gears of war is one of the best guns in video game history. Its a machine gun with a chainsaw attached to it. next

Number three- now this gun might not be so cool but it is so over powered making it a good. Thie ray gun in ssbb is the second cheepest wepon in the game. next

Number two- Lets go with the covenet carbine from halo. Now this will heve multible from franzize and this is a great gun. next

Number one- now what can scour this high in the list that would be the hammer of dawn. This gun fired a giant laser down from the sky that can kill anything, ANYTHING. This has been the Icewizard and see you all next time

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