Saturday, September 28, 2013



He guys its the icewizard and today we will be talking about the swords in video games. Who doesn't like the sword I mean its a great weapon. Today I will be talking about my top ten swords in games. lets begin.

Number ten- Lets talk a little of world of war craft. I don't play the game but I do know thee is an important sword there called frostmourne .  I don't know much about it besides it looks awesome and is important in the game. next

Number nine- You know if there I a game with swords that disserves to be on this list it is soul caliber.  The main sword that is on this list is the soul edge. Here are three reason it is here. it looks awesome, it is used by awesome people, and it is the main villain in the game. next

Number eight- Minecraft time. I know I would get a lot of hate if I didn't but this sword on the list so I did, yah. To be fair this is a great sword in a great game. next

Number seven- I probably will get a lot of hate for this but star wars, light sabers are cool. They can block projectiles, cut off body parts, and look cool. next

Number six- I putting this on ear witch is a ability that uses a sword I am talking about sword Kirby. Sword Kirby is the best power up in the game and that's all I have to say. next

Number five- Sonic's sword Caliborn. This sword is the most important thing in the game and it can go super with sonic. next

Number four- Lets talk about mega man basically the new one. There is a robot master in the game called blade man. he can shoot swords that's all you need to know . next

Number three- Lets talk about Narrito, sasuke sword is cool and with his speed he can be a tuoghf opponent. next

Number two- Super smash bros laser sword. its a great upgrade to your base attacks making you stronger and it looks cool. next

Number One- Ok ill be honest I don't play Zelda but I know that the master sword is the best sword in games ever. It is the world most famous sword. This has been the ice wizard see you next time.

Friday, September 27, 2013



Hey guys its the icewizard and today I will be talking about Pokémon but ones I think is the best. this is a personal list so don't be mad if yours doesn't get on here.Two rules I have is that no Pokémon from x and y and only one legendary ok lets begin on my top ten Pokémon.

Number ten- Lets start this list off strong Feraligator. First off he's water and water is my favorite type, second he is a power house also me, and third he was the best pokemon from that region and the coolest next

Number nine- ok lets be honest you know that treecko is the best grass starter. first off he is part fighting, second he is the coolest looking pokemon, third he has the best evolve form ever.  next

Number eight- Ok time to not put a starter in. To be honest I don't know why I like this one but bonsly. To be he is just the cutest pokemon ever that's why this is my list. I know call me dumb but I'm staying with bonsly. next

Number seven- Lucario is a the coolest fighting type ever. I don't even need to say anything about him but I will. first he's fighting, second he controls aura like mew and mew 2, and he is blue. next

Number Six- Elicid is flipping amazing he is the best thunder pokemon. screw Pikachu or zaptose its all about Elicid he has the best evolve forms ever and a great balance of everything. next

Number five- here comes the legendary how's it gone a its Doxis yah. Ok there are no flaws with pokemon he can be balance, attack most, defense most, or speed most take your pick and he is a alien.

Number four- here comes the shape shifting master it is Dito. This pokemon is every pokemon so you want anything there it is. next

Number three- lets go with rosella she or he to me is just a pokemon I always have like I need her and she is really strong I don't know why but I need her next.

Number two- kind of a avius choice but charzard is awesome. charzard is a dragon and don't give me that crap about him not being a dragon type. he is a lizard, fire breathing monster of death with wings am pretty Shure that's a dragon. next

Number one- All of the evee evolutions are the great but the best to me is jolton. you might ask why not Umbrian are someone else I don't know he is just to me the best. this has ben the icewizard and see you all next time.

Thursday, September 26, 2013




Hey guys its the icewizard and today is my first post and I will try to post daily. I will sometimes be joined with bangerbot12 you should check him out on YouTube or zingykitten. For my first post lets talk about the famous video game monster. There are tons of monsters in games that are great and not stupid. Each weak I will talk about the subject and then give you a top ten best or a top ten worst anything. I will tell you now that I am not counting zombies as monsters, also each list will be repeated twice and you guys can vote on what you want in the second top ten. Before are top tens we need to say what a monster is, it is a beast that is not human are real and needs to be in a game with that said lets start.

Top ten best video game monsters

Number ten-lets start this list of right Ganon from Zelda. I will say I am sorry I have not played a Zelda game but I know that Ganon is cool I might get some people that know about Zelda to help but I will start playing Zelda vary soon.
Number nine-The number nine spot goes to bowser from Mario. who doesn't love bowser he is the main boss in the Mario games and most of the bosses are some of the best fights in gaming ever. Lets talk about him for a wile he is a turtle, lizard, dragon killing machine.
Number eight-borderland 2 has a ton of great monsters the scags the racks and the bosses are all great monster that could make it on this lest but one per franchise so I chose terramorphous the invincible. there are tons of stuff I could put down about him but the most important thing to me is that he is fun and it is worth killing him because he drops vary good loot that is all I have to say next.
Number eight-there are tons of great monsters from gears of war which could come on this list to but the best to me is the berserker. This monster is a straight up tank that you can only kill with a flame thrower or the hammer of dawn and this beast was a one hit kill. I remember that in one poet of the first game that you could kill him bye making him fall of the train next.
Number seven-sonic were og you might be thinking sonic is not a monster. I know but his werhog for is this is a good monster because you are the monster and it is a different gameplay than the normal sonic games. you get a ton of power like stretching your are for to using your super that was amazing. next
Number six-reptile from mk is a ninja that shoots acid that's all you need to know next
Number five-skyrim dragons I will count dragons. I have never played skyrim so I had to just say dragon if leave a comment to tell me a dragons name I will look it up I cant put a pic either
number 4-There are a lot of monsters in god of war so lets go with the hydra again I have never played god of war so cant help you define facts
number 3-we are counting Pokémon and yugioh as monster! we will talk about yugioh but now its Pokémon's time and what better Pokémon than Arceus. this guy is almost like the god of Pokémon he is every type which means he controls the elements. that's all next
number 2-yugioh is up there are almost a million monster in these game but one is the best. you need to set it up like a puzzle with the feat, the arms, and the head it is called exodia the forbidden one. it might be hard to summon but if you do summon it you win that's it nothing can stop it, next
Number 1- Ok the number one monster is prototype from prototype. I don't even play this game and I know that he is the best thing ever to be created in the history of monster. He can eat zombies, he can jump super high, and he has to giant spikes as arms this guy can not be stooped this has been the icewizard see you next time