Monday, March 17, 2014

Top ten tf2

Tf2 - What is love?Hey guys its the Icewizard and today we Will be looking at my top ten weapons in TF2. Remember that these are my opinion and you may not agree, but if you don't make your own list. Lets begin

Number ten- Number ten goes to all the skins for each weapon. These are re-skins of other weapons in the game. next

Number nine- Number nine goes to the force of nature. This is a scout shot gun with two ammo in it but can nock you and your opponent back.

Number eight- This spot goes to the heavy's brass beast. This mini gun slows you down but does 2% more damage.

Number six- This spot goes to the eyelander for be a sword that powers you up every time you get a kill. You get more healf and faster each time you get a kill.

Number five- this spot goes to the gun-slinger. This weapon allows you to make mini sentries for only 100 metal and you get 50 extra health. This means if you have max metal when your sentry. The sentries build extra fast so you can put them anywhere in battle.

Number four- This spot goes to the cow mangler 5000. This is a rocket launcher that has no ammo and can charge a power shot which lights an enemy on fire.

Number three- this spot goes to the power jack. This weapon gives health back on kill. the reason I like this weapon is because when you are a pyro you want to be able to run at someone and kill them with as much health as possible.

Number two- This spot goes to the quick fix. This medi gun heals faster but doesn't give as much overheal.

Number one- The last spot goes to the jarate. This jar you throw at your enemy and get mini crits. It also reveals cloaked spies so you could see them and kill them.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My hopeful future shiny team

Hey guys I am back and today I will be talking about my future hopeful shiny team. I am currently breeding for these pokemonon on this list. Right no I have three shiny Pokemon and I luckily got one on the list but the other two are farfetched, traded illumes wanted to be able to use a shiny, and a flotezal who I like a bit. lets begin.

you should run now

Number one- the shiny that I have right now is my shiny golem and he is a beast. He can set up stealf rochs, rock blast, earthquake and is able to one shot a non bulky polytode.

Could win the hunger games
Ps I am getting into animating and will post a gaming hunger games on this blog

Number two- I talked about this Pokemon last post in my ubers team and it is mega lucario. Lucario used to be my favorite and if I give the same moves as my last lucario It will be a threat.
Number three- Now this is my favorite fire fighting type and it is infernape. My infernape is so powerful and once it becomes shiny he will own.
Number four- This Pokemon will be the hardest to get because I don't have one yet and that Pokemon is cofagrigus. I love this Pokemon manly because of its defense. This Pokemon is extremely bulky and has a great move pool and looks awesome. Also when me and my friend fight he like to use blaziken (who I don't think should be band that's why they use him) and thanks to mummy (his ability) they cant use speed boost.
Number five- This spot goes to conkelder and this reason is because he is so powerful mostly because with knock off/ assault vest he can take his and fight back with massive force. No more to say. next
Number six- Now people who say my top ten shiny should know that this spot goes to grenenja. This speedy Pokemon is a monster with hydro, dark pulse, water shrunken, and u-turn + protein ability it is to powerful and my favorite shiny. That's all for now bye
My friends blog: BLOG


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Uber team

He guys its the icewizard and today I will be giving you my uber team. This is not a list this is the same thing I did with my other team. Lets begin.

First- The first one I will put is the one non uber and it goes to mega lucario. I use him over mega mewtwo because of the fact he can one shot Xerneas. next

Second- Now for a legendary, this spot goes to yveltal. This pokemon is so op and even shedninja fears him. PS best sheninja counter. Next

Third- The next legendary is xerneas. Hope spelled right. This pokemon is just amazing OK moon blast, geomasntry, horn leach and close combat. Best new legendary. next

fourth- Now for the last legendary mew two. The main reason he is on here is because when you train him to level 100 and get psy strike. next

Five- This spot will go to hydragon but for now it is dragonite. There are reasons I use dragonite so much he is so good hurricane, draco, dragon dance and aqua tail is so good. next

Six- The last spot will go to the one and only spirit tomb yes the face is going to fight mew two, or not. But any way the hypo/dream eater set is so good also momento and good defence. This has been the icewizard and see you all next time

Battle one or only battle

He guys its the icewizard and today I will be trying something differn't so just hold the pokemon aside and lets have a battle. now here is how it works you have to people me and my guest the epicraptor and we say or character from any game ad give a discription and see who would win. Only one rule a character like narito cant fight characters like the splinter cell caus you would know who would win. now lets fight.

Icewizard: Rallen from the spectrobes one of the best games ever. This man carrys swords, arm cannons, giant swords, lasers and guns. Now people who play the the game know that he carrys nine super powerful beast which one kinda blew up a planet. now lets go to the epicraptor

Reply:This guy sounds cool but since nobody knows him he probably stinks.

EpicRapter: Deadpool. This is for the few people who don't know who Deadpool is. He is a red and black ninja with two katanas and two guns. Take a ninja and put pure epicness all over it and you get Deadpool.

Reply: You might have guns and swords but rollan has monster that can blow up planets. All deadpool ever did was kill people.

pokemongamer: Deadpool

Scientific Waffle:

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Top ten naruto characters

Hey guys im back with another blog post and today I will be talking about the world best anima Naruto!!!!. Also there will be some spoilers so if you haven't finished the series click away now.

ten- Ok now the one thing I love more than Naruto is the games made about it so I have to put on one of my favorite character Naruto, this is kind of the reason he's on here. please don't kill me.

nine-Now to the anima and this spot goes to orochimaro PS: sorry if name spelled wrong. anyways this weird snake killer is able to make giant snakes and has made Naruto and another character fear them to the point of hiding. next

eight- number eight goes too neji just to how cool he was in the anima. He never showed fear, had the curse mark, and took out the person trying to be like him. next

seven- Now back to the game my favorit character from the game naruto shipuden was hinada. Now this a fast character who can copie niji abilities and just reck. next

six- This spot goes to kakashi for being so cool and have a important role later in the count down.

five- this spot goes to kasami the shark dude who is like "I'm going to cut you" and ya. next

four- This spot goes too the ninja named rock lee. This guy has amazing speed and is pretty cool.

Number three- This spot goes the one and only Itachi. Now fans probably know why he is on here but here is a fast summery. Killed his only parents, has the ability to turn into a giant samurai and tried to steel someone's eye? Yolo next

Number two- Now this spot goes two his brother Sasuke. This guy in my opinion is better than Naruto for a few reason. He had his parents killed by his brother, He killed his brother, He is great in the game, he was trained by kakashihe, is one of the coolest characters, has the curse mark which makes him stronger, saved Naruto before and even was able to kill Naruto. PS: I think Naruto should have stayed dead.

Number one- Now even know how cool Sasuke is To me he is nowhere near as cool a the kasikasa PS sorry if spelled wrong. Yes I am talking about Gara. This guy controls sand and s actually the closest to Naruto because of his childhood was almost the same as Gara's. Also in the anima Gara takes out Sasuke, you know the guy who killed Naruto. And he can also turn into a giant sand monster and only fell to the Nine tailed fox (not Naruto). Also in the fighting game he is extremely good mostly because of his strong moves like sand tsunami and counters and his move where he can hit someone when they are running away. This has been the Icewizard and see you all next time.