Thursday, October 10, 2013

Assist trophies
He guys its the icewizard and today we will be tlking abiut the assist trophies in brawl for the last day of the six days of brawl. This list will be only for ssbb. lets begin.
Number ten- Lets go with shadow the hedhog. Now this trophie slows down your opponet. Thus geting vunerable to an attack. next
Number nine- Lets go with the puppy. This one was just so fun to get out of the trophy. next
Number eight- lets go with cat and ana. these sister basicly do what latios and latias does. next
Nuber seven- lets go with waluigi. This one would stomp your opponent into the ground and do alot of damage.
Number six- lets go with knukle joe. This trophy would do alot of damage and might even kill the opponent. next
Number five- lets go with little mac. this boxer would go around and box the other opponents. next
Number four- lets go with grey fox this assist trophy would go around and attak your opponents with his sword. next
Number three- lets go with isaak. this trophy would shoot hands at you whitch did alot of damage.
Number two- lets go with andross. this one would repeatly shoot blocks at you and did alot of damage
Number one- now lets go with lyn. This trophy would attak one random charactor and most likely kill them in one shot and do tons of damage if they dont die. This has been the icewizard see you all next time. there will be two up today most likely so there will be no viewer of the day till next time I am the icwizard and se you next time

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