Friday, October 25, 2013

Top Ten Video Game Bad Guys

Hey guys it the icewizard and today I will be talking about my top ten favorite video game bad guys. Same rules as all my list this is my opion and normally one per franchise so lets begin.

Number ten- Number ten is glados from portal. She was always a funny character to me. next

Number eight- Lets go with Bowser come on you knew that bowser would be on hear he is the most known video game bad guy. next

Number seven- Lets go with Dr. egg man. This person made a giant robot army, a whole armada and metal sonic, if you didn't know thats a lot. next

Number six- Now for the last kinda saw this coming but it is Dr Willy. This one man made zero. next

Number five- now lets go with Ram from Gears of war. This boss fight made you have to forces you explosive or go grab the turret behind him which is not easy. next

Number four- Now lets go whith Black shadow from f-zero. Now I like raceing game and this is wear its at. Being the main bad guy in the game I put him this far. next

Number three- lets go with King dede. Now I am a HUGE kirby fan and the mane bad guy is a pengwuin with a hammer. NEXT

Number two- Hadese, yes I am putting Hadese this Far becasue of how good of a villen he is. He is funny, Strong, and giant. next

Number one- Now what can beet hades. That would be Kaos not the one from skylander put the one from Spectrobes, This was a former master that went evil and planned to take over the world. IN his final boss fight he had a dragon you had to kill to, teliport, and shoot lasers. This is has been the icewizard and see you all next time.

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Monday, October 21, 2013


Hey guys its the icewizard and today I will be talking about video weapons pacifically the gun. Now this post will have the rules same as last post so lets begin, lets begin.

Number ten- lets go with the gun blade in final fantasy 8. Just look at it. next

Number nine- lets go with the big f##king gun 9000. Just the name is good enough to get it on this list. next

Number eight- The spartan laser from halo. This gun fired a laser. next

Number seven- lets go with the ray gun TWO!!!! This gun was a one hit kill that fires three bulits at once. next

Number six- Now normally I do one per franchise but this time there are two now its the wonder waffle.This gun would be the best gun in black opps

Number five- Now I don't see why Borderlands isn't talked about that much because it is such a fun game. now the gun I am putting on is the infinity pistol. This gun would never run out of amo. next

Number four-The lancer from Gears of war is one of the best guns in video game history. Its a machine gun with a chainsaw attached to it. next

Number three- now this gun might not be so cool but it is so over powered making it a good. Thie ray gun in ssbb is the second cheepest wepon in the game. next

Number two- Lets go with the covenet carbine from halo. Now this will heve multible from franzize and this is a great gun. next

Number one- now what can scour this high in the list that would be the hammer of dawn. This gun fired a giant laser down from the sky that can kill anything, ANYTHING. This has been the Icewizard and see you all next time

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Friday, October 18, 2013

Top ten charactors I would like to be

This was number 11
Characters I would like to be
Hey guys its the icewizard and today I will be talking about characters I would like to be in video games. OK agen this is based off my opion so please don't hate me if i don't put anyone from assassins creed or black ops.
Number ten- OK lets go with Mario. Now the pros to being Mario is that he can punch a brick and get gold coins. Next
Number nine- lets go with scorpion from Mk. This guy was a hell spawn brought back in him to get revenge on sub zero.
Number eight- Now Lets me thing, oh I know jolton from Pokemon. The only reason this Pokemon is on is because it is my favorite Pokemon. next
Number seven- lets go with cloud from final fantasy. This Pearson is cool, strong fighter, and bad ass. next

Number six-lets go with nightmare from soul caliber. All I have to do is show you him. next

Number five- lets see how about mega man. This robots power is to take on of the powers that he killed. next

Number four- lets go with sora from kingdom harts. relay I just want to be that cool. next

Number three- lets go with the heavy from tf2. honestly I loved his personality and he has a f##king mini gun. next

Number two- lets go with kratos from god of war. OK this Pearson was a god and now go's around killing gods. next

Number one- now number one is Rallen from spectrobes origins. This one human had a ton of weapons you could find and is that is good enough you got monsters that will fight for you. This has been the icewizard and see you all next time.

Viewer of the day:

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My top ten worst Pokemon
Hey guys it's the icewizard and today in celebrate of Pokemon X and Y I am switching my top ten Pokemon list to top ten worst Pokemon list and this is all opion so please don't hate me. Lets begein
Number ten- Lets go with koffing. This pokemon was a balloon made of gas. Next
Number nine- Lets go with muk. This Pokemon was a pile of GU.
Number eight- lets go with magicarp. this pokemon only knows splash. The only reason its not farther on the list garidose.

Number seven- Now lets go with feebas. this is basicly magicarp withot garidose. next

Number six- trupish this pokemon was garbage literly. next

Number five- Now I might just hate this one because every one at my school likes him and I am sick of it I am talking about umbrian. Now I am just tired of it. next

Number  four- Delibird This is the one legendary I hate. Its story is cool like deoxis or lugia, no this one gives people food. Thats all. next

Number three- Now I hate kakurean with alot of hate. Do you know how bad this pokemon is, its ability is to change to the type you where attaked with, lame.and he cant envole witch I am normaly ok with but with this one it needs one to not suck. next

Number two- Now this one I hate so mutch I dont capture it till I need it for the pokedex, this pokemon is fetched. This is the one non legendary that cant envolve and the one bird that I hate. This bird uses a twig or peace of celery I dont know and its so weak. next

Number one- now who takemy nuber one spot for most hate pokemon, its not even a contest the pokemon is jinxe. You want to hear why I hated it, its because this pokemon is rasist, I am not jokeing this pokemon was changed colars for being black. This has been the icewizard and see you all next time. ps no viewer of the day?


Friday, October 11, 2013

power up: Mario

Mario Power Up's
Het guy I am back and we are off of brawl weak and now we can talk about something else. so I dicided to talk about mario power up's. The one rule on this list is it has to be in he mario games and not fan made games lets begin.
Number ten- lets go with fire. now fire can kill almost any enemy in the game, and it looked cool. next
Number nine- lets go with ice. now I am not just putting this one on because I am the Icewiard no I am putting this one on because its one of the only power up that can kill drybones's. next
Number eight- lets go with giant mario. This power up would make you giant and able to kill everything on the screen. nex
Number seven- Now what should I put, oh I know That would be shell. This power would give you the power to go into a kopashell witch are able to kill anything in one hit. next
Number six- lets go with rock mario from super mario galixy to. this game you the power to turn into a rock and roll. yagh, next
Number five- lets go with cloud mario from the same game as last one. This gave you the power to form clouds. next
Number four- Lets go with pengwuin mario and this is why he is on because he can shoot ice and swim faster. next
Number three- lets go with mushroom. now I know this gives you no power but it is the only reason that you can get other powers. next
Number two- lets go with the one up. This one givs you a hole life and could sve you the level. next
Number one- lets go with The tiny mario. now dont hate me bt this is a good power up. It makes you able to run on water, jump hier, makes you harder to hit, and able to go in to smaller tubes. This has been the icewizard and see you all next time