Number ten- Number ten goes to all the skins for each weapon. These are re-skins of other weapons in the game. next
Number nine- Number nine goes to the force of nature. This is a scout shot gun with two ammo in it but can nock you and your opponent back.
Number eight- This spot goes to the heavy's brass beast. This mini gun slows you down but does 2% more damage.
Number six- This spot goes to the eyelander for be a sword that powers you up every time you get a kill. You get more healf and faster each time you get a kill.
Number five- this spot goes to the gun-slinger. This weapon allows you to make mini sentries for only 100 metal and you get 50 extra health. This means if you have max metal when your sentry. The sentries build extra fast so you can put them anywhere in battle.
Number four- This spot goes to the cow mangler 5000. This is a rocket launcher that has no ammo and can charge a power shot which lights an enemy on fire.
Number three- this spot goes to the power jack. This weapon gives health back on kill. the reason I like this weapon is because when you are a pyro you want to be able to run at someone and kill them with as much health as possible.
Number two- This spot goes to the quick fix. This medi gun heals faster but doesn't give as much overheal.
Number one- The last spot goes to the jarate. This jar you throw at your enemy and get mini crits. It also reveals cloaked spies so you could see them and kill them.